Yesterday Emilio and I washed the trucks and loaded my 9'6" long board into his Rodeo. It needs a "ding" repair before I venture back out into the surf. You need to fix the "dings" so water doesn't soak into the foam of the board and ruin it. We slid it through the back hatch all the way up to the windshield, and it still hung out the back. He drove and we headed over to the K38 Surf Shop- but they were closed. This repair job is easy so I took it to the next best place the surf shop at the Rosarito Beach Hotel. . The main streets in the tourist zone were deserted. This is 3pm on a peak summer afternoon in a tourist town- and no one. It was a Wednesday though. A few Mexicans doing their normal business is all. We did see more police cars than I expected and stayed away from them. The narcos don't aim their weapons- they "spray" them. They already killed their five cops for the week though, but I'm not sure when their work week starts. The police chief has not resigned.
We only encountered one military checkpoint at the normal location. Nothing additional. The soldiers were friendly and Emilio peeling all the dark window tint off them helps them stay calm. They can see what we are from their rubber tire fortress. Emilio's Isuzu is a white beater '93 with Mexican plates. Very low profile an the long board allowed us to be waved right through. I didn't take any pics but may try next time from a distance.
The house is filling up a bit- perfect for summer. It's very hot in Alonzo's hometown of Torreon so the ones that can get here do. Alonzo's sister Kika, 15 year olds son Luis and his cousin Caesar joined Alonzo's mom in the guest suite. Their timing is good- the water is warm and the Rosarito Fair is set to open and run for the next month. Good rides, junk food, concerts- they love it all and it's priced right for normal Mexicans to afford. They all need to laugh and cast their worries aside. Even the narcos will take their kids.
Kika is the reason I added a kitchen to the downstairs guest suite. That should tell you how the next few weeks will go. She's tough. Her husband electrocuted himself many years ago trying to wire his house to the pole himself- when the practice was common. Now they just run the extension cords on the street. That's what you get for being neat.
Alonzo and I are hoping to join my nephew Mike and Luis in San Diego this weekend. Maybe the violence will drive the wait times down. Yeah right. It'll be hours. With all the family here I won't need to worry about the house or the animals. We have our fingers crossed.
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