The Carbone-Balducci Wedding Event

What a beautiful wedding mass and reception. By the time you are lucky enough to be a geezer like me- you've been to dozens of weddings of every style. This wedding event was by far the most meaningful and beautiful of them all. Seriously. The service was simple and filled with anecdotes of Daron and Suzannes love and the beach glass they collect on walks, the reception was - well, stunning. Even for those that think they have been to beautful wedding events before. Even me, the iceman- cried at this wedding. It was the first time I had heard my deceased parents names mentioned and I thought of how honored and happy they would be for Daron and Suzanne. It is too bad life can be so short- and this wedding reminded us that every day with your family is meaningful and important. Every day. Time flows fast and stops for no one.

No one left this event feeling anything but priviledged to have been invited. Every single person on both sides of the family were genuinely nice- it was hard to walk past anyone without stopping to chat and share their connection to Daron and Suzanne. I was surpried how many people knew of us and our coming up from Baja- of course the Baja they think we come from is a very differnet one from the narco war dominated one we live in. But those Blog posts are still a few days away.
Alonzo was in complete awe of the reception at the Aldrich Mansion- as were we all. Going from the stress of living under seige in Baja to the pure simple elegance of this event was a shock. I've never been to a wedding event without children present and it allows everyone to be liberated and have a great time without worry- or take the focus away from the wedding couple. Everyone had the evening off to laugh, love and celebrate Daron and Suzanne- and just dance, eat and party. And that we all did. Enjoy the pics.
The site for the professional photographers is The login name is: guest, and the password is 071009. But here are some of our pics to hold you over until theirs are posted...

Welcome to Woooosh! The Blog
"Poor Mexico! So far from God, so close to the United States!"
(Mexican President Diaz: 1876 to 1910)
Our Baja journal and commentary: Dolphins, Narcos, Labradors, Fried Lobster, Fish Tacos, Buckets of Coronas, Beheadings, Surfing-K38, Falcons, Express-kidnappings and Family security drills... it's a 24/7 Fiesta with roving Mariachi Bands and food carts. Everything but tourists.
Even the LAST CHANCE TO EAT TACOS cart is closed.
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